The original recipe is copied from here.
8 pandan leaves – cleaned well
5 buko (coconut) not too hard, not too soft- grated to strips
water from 5 buko (approx. 10 cups)
3 small cans of Nestle Cream (evaporated milk)
1 medium can of Condensed Milk
2 bars of green gulaman
1 3/4 cups sugar (more if you want it sweeter)
1 cup kaong (optional)
1. Boil buko water from 5 coconuts together with 8 pandan leaves that are individually twisted to break the fibers and expose the juice. Simmer for 20 minutes.
2. Before adding 2 bars of gulaman, make sure you remove the pandan leaves and check if the remaining coconut water is equal to 8 cups – 1 bar of gulaman is good for 4 cups of liquid. If it is not 8 cups, less will mean hard gulaman and more than 8 cups will result in mushy soft gulaman. Ensuring gulaman is well-dissolved stir well. Add sugar while mixing. Do this for 5 minutes.
3. Pour through a strainer into cooling trays. Wait till it cools and hardens, then put in fridge.
4. Meanwhile, mix the grated buko with the 3 cans of cream and 1 can of condensed milk.
5. Add kaong if you prefer.
6. Get gulaman from ref and cut into 1 cm cubes. Mix with buko mixture.
Step 1 and 2 tu are the steps to prepare agar-agar pandan. We can substitute air kelapa tu dengan air biasa jer. I suppose gulaman tu is the gelatin to make the jelly. Just make sure the jelly prepared is not too soft and mushy. And kaong tu apabende tah... buah nipah agaknya. Apparently orang Filipin pun tau buah nipah ni.
We can add 1 pack/can of all purpose cream to the buko mixture. Also boleh tambah strips of laici, sago and nata de coco. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.
Sarap talaga!!